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Concussions, TBI treatments and therapy

Any age, Fast and effective 

Our Doctors

Effective Treatment

The seriousness of concussions in head injuries has reached a heightened awareness among professional, amateur and student  athletes. reports of headaches, memory loss, depression, sleeplessness and debilitating pain, this is an effective treatment  option. 

New attention is being given to manual therapy that is capable of assessing and addressing the Vascular, structural and  neurological tissues of the brain, as well as the far-reaching ramifications throughout the body.  


Concussion affects the structures of the nervous system including the glial cells which are the glue or supporting matrix of the  structures of the brain. The Glial matrix is similar to the connective tissue called the fascia. Trauma affects the bones of the  cranium and the connective tissue lining the inside of the skull bones, as well as sensitive brain tissue. The positive results  experienced with manual therapy such as cranial sacral therapy, Neural Manipulation and Visceral Manipulation, and post  concussion syndrome are the result of affecting the only the cranial bones and the connective tissue inside these bones, but  also the glial network attaching directly to the brain structures. 

What is a concussion or a traumatic Brain Injury?

Depending on the amount and direction of the force vascular to the brain tears an internal bleeding occurs. Also, the neuronal centers and the glial tissue which supports the various brain structures. Repeated blows to the  head at any age can lead to chronic traumatic encephalopathy . Symptoms may not show up until later in life this is referred to  as post concussion syndrome.


Symptoms are wide ranging it can affect an individual in variety of ways. Physically there may  be headaches, neck pain, as well as other seemingly unrelated pain syndromes and system disorders. For example damage to  the pituitary gland or surrounding tissues make affect endocrine hormone function. Other common physical symptoms include  dizziness, tinnitus, double vision, sleep disorders, digestive problems, low back pain, low energy and fatigue.  


Emotionally and behaviorally a person may become more irritable and aggressive with anxiety, depression, apathy, and other personality changes. Cognitive dysfunction will exhibit
itself with difficulties in concentration and memory.

How it Works

Symptoms of a concussion

The signs and symptoms of a concussion can be subtle and may not show up immediately. Symptoms can last for days, weeks or even longer.


Common symptoms after a concussive traumatic brain injury are headache, loss of memory (amnesia) and confusion. The amnesia usually involves forgetting the event that caused the concussion.

Physical signs and symptoms of a concussion may include:


  • Headache

  • Ringing in the ears

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Fatigue or drowsiness

  • Blurry vision

  • Anxiety 

  • Depression

  • Anger

  • Digestive issues &

  • Muscular-skeletal pain


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How will CST, NM, VM, Benefit me now and Long term ?

Patients report experiencing immediate improvement from an integrative treatment utilizing these modalities. Commonly  reported benefits include reduction in headache pain, decreased in mental fogginess, improve mental clarity, increase in  cervical range of motion and improve feelings of well-being. These techniques have ongoing positive results with no negative  side effects. Benefits may occur as few as 1 to 5 sessions, more serious trauma may require more frequent or longer sessions,  recovery from a head injury is a complicated progress. When CST and VM, NM, VM are all incorporated consistently  throughout the rehabilitation progress long-term benefits, and the potential for recovery, is maximized.


"Victoria is a miracle worker! I was having awful pressure headaches and in so much pain, after one session she worked on my skull and the headaches stopped and have not returned after a year. I then continued to work with her to improve my digestion and hip pain from Lyme Disease. She has helped me feel so much better. My stomach no longer hurts and my organs are working well again. My hip pain has also improved. I highly recommend seeing her if you want to feel well again. She is very knowledgeable and has a healing soul. Worth every penny and more!" 

Lacy Cook
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